Holy Week
The Liturgical Celebrations of Holy Week, the Sacred Triduum, and Easter are the highpoints of the
Church year. Our common experiencing of the sufferings and death of Jesus will help us to grow together in the
understanding of His resurrection. The Church is a resurrection community and, as such, a symbol of hope to
the world. This is the essence of the Easter message. Below is the schedule of Masses for Holy Week and Easter
for the five churches of St. Mary’s, St. Francis, St. Hyacinth, St. Patrick, and St. Joseph.
April 13
Palm Sunday
4:00 pm Sat St Hyacinth
5:30 pm Sat St Mary
7:00 am St. Mary
8:30 am St. Patrick
8:45 am St. Francis
10:30 am St. Joseph
10:45 am St. Mary
April 17
Holy Thursday
7:00 pm St. Mary
This year, there will be one Triduum Celebration (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil) at St. Mary’s.
April 18
Good Friday
3:00 pm St. Mary
April 19
Holy Saturday
11:00 am St. Hyacinth
(Easter Basket Blessing)
7:00 pm St. Mary
(Easter Vigil)
April 20 - Easter Sunday
7:00 am St. Mary
8:30 am St. Patrick
8:45 am St. Francis
10:15 am St. Hyacinth
10:30 am St. Joseph
10:45 pm St. Mary
12:15 pm St. Mary
4:00 pm Vespers at St. Mary’s
All are invited to attend the Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester on Tuesday, April 15th
at 6:00 pm. At the Chrism Mass, the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Chrism are blessed,
and all the priests of the Diocese renewed their priestly commitment. A bus will leave from St. Mary’s Church
at 4:00 pm. If you would like to go, call the parish office (315-252-7593) to reserve a seat on the bus.
If you are unable or don’t feel comfortable coming to church because of health concerns, selected
liturgies from St. Mary’s will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel (St Mary Church Auburn NY -
YouTube): Palm Sunday at 5:30 pm on Saturday, Holy Thursday at 7:00 pm, Good Friday at 3:00 pm, Holy
Saturday Easter Vigil at 7:00 pm. On Palm Sunday, Mass will be broadcast on TV at 10:00 am on Channel 12
(Spectrum) or Channel 31 (Verizon). On Easter Sunday, the Easter Vigil will be broadcast on TV at 10:00 am
on the same TV channels.

St. Mary's Church
15 Clark St, Auburn, NY
Mass Schedule
Sat: 5:30pm, Sun: 7:00am and 10:45am, Mon-Fri: 7:00am
Livestream Mass on YouTube, Saturdays: 5:30pm
TV Mass on ARMA-TV, Spectrum ch. 12 and Verizon ch. 31, Sun: 10:00am
Sat: 4:00pm

St. Francis Church
303 Clark St., Auburn, NY
Mass Times:
Sun: 8:45am, Tue & Thu: 9:00am
1st Sat of the Month: 8:00am

St. Hyacinth Church
63 Pulaski Street, Auburn, NY
Mass Times:
Sat: 4:00pm, Mon & Fri: 9:00am
Sat: 3:00pm, Fri: 8:30am

St. Joseph Church
8831 S. Seneca St.
Weedsport, NY
Mass Times
Sun: 10:30am

St. Patrick Church
2576 E. Mechanic St.
Cato, NY
Mass Times:
Sun: 8:30am, Wed: 8:30am
Wed: 8:30am